Daily Prayer and Reading 2/14

Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, for the salvation of souls, the reparation of sins, the reunion of all Christians, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month. Amen

Daily Prayer & Reading for February 14, 2023

St. Valentine’s Day

Dearest God, on this day of hearts and flowers we are reminded of Your immeasurable love for all of us. What greater love could You have shown the world than the sacrifice of Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to grant us the priceless gift of eternal life. Let us humbly give You thanks and praise. Amen.

Mark 8:14-21

The disciples had forgotten to bring bread,
and they had only one loaf with them in the boat.
Jesus enjoined them, “Watch out,
guard against the leaven of the Pharisees
and the leaven of Herod.”
They concluded among themselves that
it was because they had no bread.
When he became aware of this he said to them,
“Why do you conclude that it is because you have no bread?
Do you not yet understand or comprehend?
Are your hearts hardened?
Do you have eyes and not see, ears and not hear?
And do you not remember,
when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand,
how many wicker baskets full of fragments you picked up?”
They answered him, “Twelve.”
“When I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand,
how many full baskets of fragments did you pick up?”
They answered him, “Seven.”
He said to them, “Do you still not understand?”

14 de Febreo

Día De San Valentín

Querido Dios, en este día de corazones y flores nos recuerdas Tu amor inconmensurable por todos nosotros. Qué amor más grande podrías haber mostrado al mundo que el sacrificio de tu único Hijo, Jesucristo, para concedernos el don inestimable de la vida eterna. Te damos humildemente gracias y te alabamos. Amén.

Mc 8, 14-21

En aquel tiempo, cuando los discípulos iban con Jesús en la barca, se dieron cuenta de que se les había olvidado llevar pan; sólo tenían uno. Jesús les hizo esta advertencia: “Fíjense bien y cuídense de la levadura de los fariseos y de la de Herodes”. Entonces ellos comentaban entre sí: “Es que no tenemos panes”.

Dándose cuenta de ello, Jesús les dijo: “¿Por qué están comentando que no trajeron panes? ¿Todavía no entienden ni acaban de comprender? ¿Tan embotada está su mente? ¿Para qué tienen ustedes ojos, si no ven, y oídos, si no oyen? ¿No recuerdan cuántos canastos de sobras recogieron, cuando repartí cinco panes entre cinco mil hombres?” Ellos le contestaron: “Doce”. Y añadió: “¿Y cuántos canastos de sobras recogieron cuando repartí siete panes entre cuatro mil?” Le respondieron: “Siete”. Entonces él dijo: “¿Y todavía no acaban de comprender?”

This week the Oblates in Germany are praying for you.

The Oblates in Germany oversee the operation of a former seminary building being used to house refugee families. Currently there are about 80 people living at the facility from many different countries. There are also two Oblates who live at the housing complex. “For me, the refugees are messengers of God,’ said Fr. Alfred Tonnis, OMI. “They pull us out of the fences around us, out of our structures, our oasis of well-being and our borders. They broaden our view. They transcend borders and challenge us. They oblige us not to define the words of mercy but to live it.”

Take the next step to strengthen your prayer life

We all could use some healing in our life. And prayer is the best way for us to communicate our needs with God.

Healing Prayers is a wonderful prayer book created by the Missionary Oblates for all those who long for the healing power of the Lord. For these persons, this prayer book has been written in faith and hope that, united in prayer, we might all experience healing of body, mind and spirit in every aspect of our lives.

Get the Healing Prayers Book!

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