Daily Prayer and Reading 11/18

November 18, 2022

Lord of Love, bless those who are traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday. Keep them safe and help them reach their destination without incident. Amen.

Luke 19:45-48

Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive out
those who were selling things, saying to them,
“It is written,
My house shall be a house of prayer,
but you have made it a den of thieves.”

And every day he was teaching in the temple area.
The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders of the people, meanwhile,
were seeking to put him to death,
but they could find no way to accomplish their purpose
because all the people were hanging on his words.

November 18, 2022

Audio of daily prayer read by Fr. Uribe, O.M.I.

Lord of Love, bless those who are traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday. Keep them safe and help them reach their destination without incident. Amen.

Luke 19:45-48
Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive outthose who were selling things, saying to them,“It is written,My house shall be a house of prayer,but you have made it a den of thieves.”And every day he was teaching in the temple area.The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders of the people, meanwhile,were seeking to put him to death,but they could find no way to accomplish their purposebecause all the people were hanging on his words.

18 de Noviembre

Audio de la oración diaira leída por el p. Uribe, O.M.I.

Señor del Amor, bendice a los que viajan durante las festividades de Acción de Gracias. Mantenlos a salvo y ayúdales a llegar a su destino sin ningún incidente. Amén.

Lc 19, 45-48 
Aquel día, Jesús entró en el templo y comenzó a echar fuera a los que vendían y compraban allí, diciéndoles: “Está escrito: Mi casa es casa de oración; pero ustedes la han convertido en cueva de ladrones”.
Jesús enseñaba todos los días en el templo. Por su parte, los sumos sacerdotes, los escribas y los jefes del pueblo, intentaban matarlo, pero no encontraban cómo hacerlo, porque todo el pueblo estaba pendiente de sus palabras.

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