First Hong Kong Oblate Ordained

Father Dominic Fung King-ho, OMI, was ordained a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate priest on December 3 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Hong Kong. He is the first Oblate priest to have been born and raised in Hong Kong.

“My anointed hands belong to God and every one of you,” said Fr. Fung at the end of his ordination. “Let me serve you all. This is my mission. Let’s accept this grace together and serve the Church in our own positions.”

Father Fung, age 35, began his journey to the priesthood as an altar server when he was a young boy. He started to pursue his vocation in high school and attended several vocation camps. He later joined an Oblate youth group in 2006. He also participated in small vocation groups in the Hong Kong Diocese to strengthen his prayer life and to discern his vocation.

After graduating from high school, Fr. Fung worked for six years at the Oblate Primary School and was attracted by the spirit of the congregation. His formation as a novice and subsequent training in philosophy and theology took place in the Philippines after joining the Oblates in 2014.

Father Fung’s first assignment is at St. Alfred Parish in Hong Kong. He is also helping at the Oblate Store in To Kwa Wan, which was set up to support the congregation’s ministry for the poor by distributing food packets to low-income families.

The Oblates have been ministering in Hong Kong since 1966. In recent years, they have seen an increase in local vocations. One Hong Kong seminarian will take perpetual vows later this year while two other seminarians are in training in the Philippines.

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