Lenten Reflection for 2/22

Chair of St. Peter Daily Prayer God our Father, who so loves the world, You sent Your beloved Son to teach us Your love and mercy. Your Son became like …

Lenten Reflection for 2/21

Wednesday of the First Week of Lent Daily Prayer God of power and mercy, look upon us that we may feel the working of Your mercy. Send Your Holy Spirit …

Lenten Reflection for 2/20

Tuesday of the First Week of Lent Daily Prayer Good and Gracious God, You send out Your Word. Help us remember You are always ready and willing to listen. We …

Lenten Reflection for 2/19

Monday of the First Week of Lent Daily Prayer Heavenly Father, from whom all good things come, Your Son said to care for the poor so that we can have …

Lenten Reflection for 2/18

First Sunday of Lent Daily Prayer Almighty God, at Easter Vigil the Holy Mother Church celebrates the mystery of resurrected life and the symbol of the blessing of baptismal water. …

Lenten Reflection for 2/17

Saturday after Ash Wednesday Daily Prayer God of Truth, how cozy a little gossip seems now and then. We mean no harm as we exchange little morsels of speculation or …

Lenten Reflection for 2/16

Friday after Ash Wednesday Daily Prayer Good and Gracious God, during this Lenten season, may we hear Your call to change and to be more Christ-like. Give us the strength …

Lenten Reflection for 2/15

Thursday after Ash Wednesday Daily Prayer Lord Jesus, You chose the desert as a place to set a direction in Your life and listen to Your Father’s will for You. …

Lenten Reflection for 2/14

Ash Wednesday Daily Prayer “You are dust, and to dust you will return.” As we hear these words today and have ashes placed on our foreheads in the Sign of …

Daily Prayer 2/13

Tuesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Morning Offering: O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day …