Daily Prayer and Reading 11/21

November 21, 2022

Audio of daily prayer read by Fr. Uribe OMI

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Eternal Father, we honor the holiness and glory of the Virgin Mary on this feast of her Presentation. May her prayers bring us the fullness of Your life and love. Amen.

Luke 21: 1-4

When Jesus looked up he saw some wealthy people
putting their offerings into the treasury
and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins.
He said, “I tell you truly,
this poor widow put in more than all the rest;
for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.”

This week the Oblates in Japan are praying for you.

One of these Oblates is Fr. Anthonysamy Irudayaraj, O.M.I. who has ministered in Japan for nearly 20 years.  His missionary work in Kochi is diverse.  He writes: “In daily life I meet various people from three-years-old to 103-years-old, from the kindergarten to the Home for the Aged, from those in prison to those on the outside.  In each person there is always something to learn.  Where there is a will there is a way.”

Send your prayer requests>>

21 de Noviembre

Audio de la oración diaira leída por el p. Uribe, OMI 

La Presentación de la Santísima Virgen María

Padre eterno, honramos la santidad y la gloria de la Virgen María en esta fiesta de su Presentación. Que sus oraciones nos traigan la plenitud de Tu vida y de Tu amor. Amén.

Lc 2, 1-4

En aquel tiempo, levantando los ojos, Jesús vio a unos ricos que echaban sus donativos en las alcancías del templo. Vio también a una viuda pobre, que echaba allí dos moneditas, y dijo: “Yo les aseguro que esa pobre viuda ha dado más que todos. Porque éstos dan a Dios de lo que les sobra; pero ella, en su pobreza, ha dado todo lo que tenía para vivir”.

Take the next step to strengthen your prayer life

We all could use some healing in our life. And prayer is the best way for us to communicate our needs with God.

Healing Prayers is a wonderful prayer book created by the Missionary Oblates for all those who long for the healing power of the Lord. For these persons, this prayer book has been written in faith and hope that, united in prayer, we might all experience healing of body, mind and spirit in every aspect of our lives.


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