Daily Prayer and Reading 11/11

November 11, 2022

Veterans Day

We remember in a special way today, Lord, the men and women who serve our country in the military. Help them to know the gratitude we feel for their service, and may peace be their lasting legacy. Amen.

Luke 17: 26-37

 Jesus said to his disciples:
“As it was in the days of Noah,
so it will be in the days of the Son of Man;
they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage up to the day
that Noah entered the ark,
and the flood came and destroyed them all.
Similarly, as it was in the days of Lot:
they were eating, drinking, buying,
selling, planting, building;
on the day when Lot left Sodom,
fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all.
So it will be on the day the Son of Man is revealed.
On that day, someone who is on the housetop
and whose belongings are in the house
must not go down to get them,
and likewise one in the field
must not return to what was left behind.
Remember the wife of Lot.
Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it,
but whoever loses it will save it.
I tell you, on that night there will be two people in one bed;
one will be taken, the other left.
And there will be two women grinding meal together;
one will be taken, the other left.” 
They said to him in reply, “Where, Lord?”
He said to them, “Where the body is,
there also the vultures will gather.”

November 11, 2022

Audio of daily prayer read by Fr. Uribe, O.M.I.

Veterans Day
We remember in a special way today, Lord, the men and women who serve our country in the military. Help them to know the gratitude we feel for their service, and may peace be their lasting legacy. Amen.

Luke 17: 26-37
 Jesus said to his disciples:“As it was in the days of Noah,so it will be in the days of the Son of Man;they were eating and drinking,marrying and giving in marriage up to the daythat Noah entered the ark,and the flood came and destroyed them all.Similarly, as it was in the days of Lot:they were eating, drinking, buying,selling, planting, building;on the day when Lot left Sodom,fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all.So it will be on the day the Son of Man is revealed.On that day, someone who is on the housetopand whose belongings are in the housemust not go down to get them,and likewise one in the fieldmust not return to what was left behind.Remember the wife of Lot.Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it,but whoever loses it will save it.I tell you, on that night there will be two people in one bed;one will be taken, the other left.And there will be two women grinding meal together;one will be taken, the other left.” They said to him in reply, “Where, Lord?”He said to them, “Where the body is,there also the vultures will gather.”

11 de Noviembre

Audio de la oración diaira leída por el p. Uribe, O.M.I.

Día de los Veteranos
Hoy recordamos de manera especial, Señor, a los hombres y mujeres que sirven a nuestro país en el ejército. Ayúdales a conocer la gratitud que sentimos por su servicio, y que la paz sea su legado duradero. Amén.

Lc 17, 26-37
En aquellos días, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: “Lo que sucedió en el tiempo de Noé también sucederá en el tiempo del Hijo del hombre: comían y bebían, se casaban hombres y mujeres, hasta el día en que Noé entró en el arca; entonces vino el diluvio y los hizo perecer a todos.
Lo mismo sucedió en el tiempo de Lot: comían y bebían, compraban y vendían, sembraban y construían, pero el día en que Lot salió de Sodoma, llovió fuego y azufre del cielo y los hizo perecer a todos. Pues lo mismo sucederá el día en que el Hijo del hombre se manifieste.
Aquél día, el que esté en la azotea y tenga sus cosas en la casa, que no baje a recogerlas; y el que esté en el campo, que no mire hacia atrás. Acuérdense de la mujer de Lot. Quien intente conservar su vida, la perderá; y quien la pierda, la conservará.
Yo les digo: aquella noche habrá dos en un mismo lecho: uno será tomado y el otro abandonado; habrá dos mujeres moliendo juntas: una será tomada y la otra abandonada’’.
Entonces, los discípulos le dijeron: “¿Dónde sucederá eso, Señor?” Y él les respondió: “Donde hay un cadáver, se juntan los buitres”.

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We all could use some healing in our life. And prayer is the best way for us to communicate our needs with God.
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